Past event

"Do It Together" Virtual Sabbath School Convention

"Do It Together" Virtual Sabbath School Convention

REGISTER NOW for the 'Do It Together' - Sabbath School Convention 2021! Sponsored by the NAD Adult, Children's and Youth ministries, the virtual convention will focus on doing Sabbath School together. This event is designed to train leaders for in service, and to update teaching techniques and connection with student and teacher. COLLABORATE+CONNECT+CREATE Join us on Sept. 9-11! Fee is only $20. WATCH the video to learn more. The time is EDT (11:00 AM PST)

Sep 11
Date and Time

Sat, September 11, 2021
2 PM - 6 PM
This event already ocurred


REGISTER NOW for the 'Do It Together' - Sabbath School Convention 2021! Sponsored by the NAD Adult, Children's and Youth ministries, the virtual convention will focus on doing Sabbath School together. This event is designed to train leaders for in service, and to update teaching techniques and connection with student and teacher. COLLABORATE+CONNECT+CREATE Join us on Sept. 9-11! Fee is only $20. WATCH the video to learn more. The time is EDT (11:00 AM PST)